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快播伦理电影在线 【键盘侠】阿特金森下课|一年不如一年 谁能解欧文困局?
快播伦理电影在线 [Charania] The Nets are parting ways with head coach Kenny Atkinson. 据名记Shams报说念,音讯东说念主士深切,篮网主教训阿特金森下课。 [Goodwill] Sources: Kyrie Irving prefers Tyronn Lue for Nets Irving soured on Atkinson early, league sources told Yahoo Sports, and currently prefers Clippers assistant Tyronn Lue to be the team’s next head coach. 左证雅虎记者Vincent Goodwill跟进报说念:音讯东说念主士深切,欧文很早就和阿特金森闹别扭,他目下更但愿快船的助理教训泰伦-卢成为球队的下一任主教训。 ———————— [–]Lakers MMDroxy 5228 指標 18小時前 Wait what..... 湖东说念主球迷:等等…… [–]Celtics Zavehi 2449 指標 18小時前 I don’t get it... 凯尔特东说念主球迷:确凿无法理解…… [–]Extremely_Sensitive 121 指標 18小時前 As a Celtics fan, this is shocking. Just last week we watched his team deliver one of the worst losses of the Stevens era, maybe even the worst one yet. Those Nets showed so much damn heart under Atkinson and I know they followed that up w/ some disappointing games but that Celtics game felt like a franchise defining victory that would propel them to next year. 动作凯蜜暗意,阿特金森的下课确凿让东说念主畏惧。上周我才目击过他的球队让我凯碰到了史蒂文斯时间最惨的失利之一,以致是最糟糕的。篮网那帮东说念主在阿特金森治下展示出了极强的求胜欲,我知说念他们之后也有过让东说念主失望的比赛,但是赢我凯那场比赛,嗅觉等于一场能不才赛季催东说念主奋进的决定性得手。 [–][TOR] Amir Johnson Anal_Iverson 586 指標 18小時前 A playoff team losing their coach a month away from playoffs. I don't remember the last time this happened 猛龙球迷:一支季后赛球队在季后赛运行前一个月没了主教训。不难忘前次有这种操作是啥时候了 [–][CLE] Matthew Dellavedova scarrylary 487 指標 18小時前 Cavs were the 1 seed and fired blatt right before the all star break. That’s the closest I can think of. 骑士球迷:我骑当年是全明星之前就炒掉了布拉特,其时我们还名顺次一。这是我能猜测最接近篮网这个操作的了 [–]Bucks not_a_robot2 463 指標 17小時前 What a weird coincidence, Kyrie was on both of those teams.....ohh 雄鹿球迷:惊东说念主的碰巧,这两个队皆有欧文……噢 [–][OKC] Mustafa Shakur IncaseAce 1376 指標 18小時前 Haven’t watched the nets Has he been bad? 雷霆球迷:这赛季没看过篮网比赛,阿特金森很菜吗? [–]Nets chrisnets1987 168 指標 18小時前 No but we’ve blown many leads this year and his game management is kinda bad. Still don’t think he should’ve been fired 篮网球迷:不啊,不外这赛季我们浪掉了好多逾越上风,而且他的赛中诊疗有点差。不外我照旧以为他不该下课。 [–]mikeyanks96 2849 指標 18小時前 Crazy how they built a foundation to go from the worst team in the league to a playoff team, with Atkinson at the helm. He was by all accounts a very successful coach during his Nets tenure. Held his players accountable, was liked by the front office, and was committed to their turnaround. He liked guys that played hard, and the guys played hard for him. It only took them2 years to go from the bottom of the league without a draft pick in sight to a playoff team. Last year’s Nets were an absolute joy to watch. I’m stumped as to why exactly he’s gone all of a sudden 阿特金森至极可以了,在他治下,篮网从一支定约最烂球队踏进为季后赛球队。不管你怎样评定,他在篮网抓教时间皆是个相等奏效的主教训。让球员们各司其职,而且处理层又心爱他,篮网如今的翻身离不开阿特金森的心血。他心爱那种用功打球的东说念主,而且球员也惬心为他卖命。两年前的篮网还仅仅一个选秀签皆莫得的垫底球队,如今已是季后赛队伍。上赛季的篮网弥散是赏心悦指标。他的眨眼间下课真把我搞蒙了。 [–]Bucks PoEaDDict123 119 指標 18小時前 That's weird indeed. Even though the Nets aren't doing anything in the playoffs, he should have been allowed to coach them in a playoff series 雄鹿球迷:确乎离奇。即便篮网这赛季在季后赛一无所获,他也应该一直带队打完系列赛。 [–][OKC] Mustafa Shakur IncaseAce 126 指標 18小時前 I’m wondering who’s the replacement. I don’t think there’s any fantastic coaches without jobs right now 雷霆球迷:我在好奇谁会交班阿特金森。我以为目下失业在家的好教训并不存在。 [–]Celtics Zavehi 91 指標 18小時前* Probably pass it off to an assistant this season with no Kyrie and KD and get a big name in the offseason. 凯尔特东说念主球迷:这赛季篮网总归是莫得欧文和阿杜的,随机让助教带完,到了休赛期再搞个大牌教训来 [–][OKC] Mustafa Shakur IncaseAce 104 指標 18小時前 But who’s the big name was my question 雷霆球迷:那谁是大牌教训呢? [–]Celtics Zavehi 50 指標 18小時前 MDA probably 凯尔特东说念主球迷:随机是德安东尼 [–]Knicks m1a2c2kali 18 指標 18小時前 Thibs 尼克斯球迷:锡伯杜 [–]Suns PureCamelliaSinensis 73 指標 18小時前 Lmao imagine Thibs and Kyrie together. There's no way that goes well. 太阳球迷:哈哈哈哈,锡伯杜和欧文全部画好意思不看啊。细目没好果子吃 [–]DeeOhMm 218 指標 17小時前 He’s going to make a young rising team much better, which I’m more than okay with. His coaching was always going to be wasted in Brooklyn once they took the superstar FA route. 阿特金森可以让一支年青的上涨期队伍实力进步一大截,我以为蛮可以的。从篮网选拔超巨阶梯运行,他的抓教才华就注定会被奢侈。 [–]Raptors rsrsrsrs 130 指標 17小時前* IMO he's a better coach than all 14 lottery teams except the Spurs, Warriors and Blazers. The other 11 teams should all think about making plays for him. 猛龙球迷:那14支乐透区球队里,除了马刺、英豪和拓荒者,我以为阿特金森比剩下那些球队的主帅皆强横。另外11支球队应该皆议论聘用他。 [–]Quantumsystem00 3410 指標 18小時前* Knicks should jump on that ,bulls if they let go of Boylen too 尼克斯应该攥紧,公牛如若能裁了博伊伦也应该抢东说念主。 [–]Bulls jonny9toes 1817 指標 18小時前 Please dear God let the Bulls get rid of Boylen. 公牛球迷:老天开眼,让公牛炒了博伊伦吧 [–]Bulls thewok 902 指標 17小時前 I don't even care if they hire a replacement. Let the players coach themselves. 公牛球迷:如若炒了博伊伦我皆不在乎有莫得新主帅。让球员们我方抓教皆行 [–][CHI] Kyle Korver idontknow_whatever 54 指標 17小時前 Felicio could coach us better than Boylen 公牛球迷:也许费利西奥带队皆比博伊伦好 [–]Spurs Odd-Gold 359 指標 17小時前 Fuck it just bring back MJ and let him run a season as player coach, can't possibly get any worse 马刺球迷:去球,径直把乔丹搞细致,让他以球员兼教训的身份带一个赛季,不可能比目下更菜了 [–]Velvet_95Hoop 114 指標 17小時前 Unfortunately the front office is happy with him. I don't know why. 厄运的是,公牛处理层对博伊伦很欢娱,不知说念为啥 [–]Bulls poverturf 124 指標 17小時前 I would kill for Atkinson to coach the Bulls 公牛球迷:如若阿特金森来了,那我得乐死 [–]Pelicans LookLikeUpToMe 322 指標 18小時前 性爱电影I’d say Pelicans too, but I think Gentry has lived to fight another season with how the team has played the last couple months. 鹈鹕球迷:要来鹈鹕就好了,不外我以为金特里又能苟一个赛季了,毕竟我们最近两个月打得还可以 [–]Quantumsystem00 192 指標 18小時前 Yea the pelicans are in the playoffs if the roster was healthy this season. 是啊,要不是这赛季的伤病,鹈鹕目下就进季后赛了 [–]Lakers monkeyman80 23 指標 17小時前 gentry is well respected around the league. he'd have to lose heatbreakingly in the playoffs to get fired. 湖东说念主球迷:金特里在定约照旧很受尊敬的。要想让他下课,那鹈鹕得在季后赛输得一无悉数才行。 ———————— [–]Fuckoakwood 59 指標 5小時前 LMAO this is incredible. Cant believe kyrie wants lue 哈哈哈哈,不可念念议啊,欧文竟然想要泰伦-卢 [–]Grizzlies Tankwagon Crendog 1492 指標 6小時前 literally can't make this shit up 灰熊球迷:欧文这确凿瞎JB搞 [–][GSW] Stephen Curry voldemortscore 12 指標 6小時前 Not shocking快播伦理电影在线 英豪球迷:旧例操作 [–]76ers KagsTheOneAndOnly 37 指標 5小時前 Heck, bring in LeBron too. Kyrie would agree- the team could use a father figure in the locker room. 76东说念主球迷:靠,那就把老詹也搞过来呗。欧文应该会同意的——篮网更衣室需要东说念主饰演父亲的变装。 [–]jspeed04 458 指標 5小時前 Unreal. I will always love that Cavs team, but, what’s happened with Kyrie has really saddened me and soured my opinion of him as a person, not just an athlete. Also, when is LeBron gonna get that apology that he is owed from everyone who said he “forced Kyrie out”? 太假了。我一直皆很心爱当初那支骑士队,但是欧文的一言一行真的伤透了我,也让我对他的为东说念主有了新的意识。 还有啊,当初那么多东说念主说是詹姆斯“逼走了欧文”,你们欠老詹的说念歉什么时候还啊 [–][MIA] Dwyane Wade Miamifansince06 183 指標 4小時前 Lebron getting an apology from his haters has about the same chance of happening as skip calling lebron the GOAT 热火球迷:那些黑子给老詹说念歉的概率,简略和让Skip叫老詹历史最好同样。(Skip Bayless——闻明作者,福克斯体育辩驳员,顶级詹黑) [–]jspeed04 30 指標 4小時前 So you’re saying there’s a chance?! 照你这样说,照旧有可能的咯?! [–]cbtballers 8 指標 2小時前 Yeah, but it's probably about as likely as Cody Zeller winning Finals MVP this season. 对,简略就和科迪-泽勒拿下这赛季总决赛MVP的概率同样! [–]Bulls PMurHotSauceRecipe 32 指標 3小時前 Conversely as someone who disliked Kyrie before it was cool the past year has been very vindicating. 公牛球迷:相背,老早就敌对欧文的我暗意,畴前这一个赛季确凿坐实了我的判断,酸爽啊。 [–]Randomrandom1212 199 指標 5小時前 Kyrie doesnt realize the thing that made Kobe a champion wasnt his killer instinct and willingness to put it all on his shoulders. That made Kobe Kobe. But the understanding that he needed to get the most out of each and every teammate in order to win, that's the part of Kobe that Kyrie does not comprehend. Which is fine if you have Lebron on your team. 欧文根蒂就不解白,科比之是以能成为冠军,并不是靠他的杀抄本能和担当,这两点是科比的人性。科比能成为冠军是因为他能领路,我方必须得激勉每个队友的最大潜能能力夺冠,这是欧文不可理解的一部分。不外如若队里有詹姆斯,那也没事。 [–][UTA] Donovan Mitchell chrimewave 370 指標 6小時前 i feel so bad for nets fans who still have to pretend to like kyrie 爵士球迷:我确凿怜悯那些目下还得装作心爱欧文的网蜜 [–]Nets youngthugisyourmom 258 指標 6小時前 I just flipped the switch 篮网球迷:我刚变心了 [–]Nets anthonyvardiz 51 指標 4小時前 Nah I’m ready to acknowledge it’s a failed experiment. We had a good culture and we went into win now mode. Now we’ve lost a promising young talent and a great player development coach for a hotheaded flat earther and a KD who may never come back to MVP form. I live in Boston now and my friends make it known how bad they feel for me. 篮网球迷:不啊,我也曾作念好我们这个争冠历练失败的准备了。我们以前的球队文化是很好的,还参加了赢球步地。如今我们也曾失去了一个但愿之星和一个擅长培养球员的教训,就为了一个头铁的地平主见者和一个随机再也回不到MVP状态的阿杜。我目下住在波士顿了,一又友们各式怜悯我。 [–]Grizzlies TheStuffisLegal 57 指標 6小時前 I feel bad for your fans tbh. I like your team and liked Kenny. Sean was doing good things. The player development and culture running smoothly. Then comes Kyrie to ruin all of it just like he has everywhere else 灰熊球迷:确凿替你们网蜜祸患啊。我很心爱你们篮网和阿特金森。肖恩-马克念念也干得很好。你们的球员培养和文化养本钱来是顺风顺水的。 然后欧文来废弃了一切,就像他以前所到之处的操作同样。 [–]Nets youngthugisyourmom 78 指標 6小時前 The worst part is that kyrie said that half of our team wasn’t good enough for him, but a lot of people said that he just misspoke. Nah, this dude legit just joined our team then already tried to change it like it wasn’t good enough. Like bro? Why did you come here then? 篮网球迷:最惨的是,欧文之前还说过,我们队里有一半的东说念主不够出色,可好多东说念主皆说他乱讲。不,这个家伙是真的以为队友不够强横,也曾在想着行径转换声威了。既然这样,那您旧年干嘛要来呢? [–]Heat MySilverBurrito 17 指標 4小時前 My mate is a big DLo fan and over the last 3 years, we both became Nets fans because of yall finally figuring it out. The shift in culture was night and day and your players had fun. Still remember how the only thing my mate said to me after the Kyrie move was "rip Nets" 热火球迷:我的室友是拉塞尔铁粉,畴前三年,我们皆成了网蜜,因为你们终于找到了长进。球队文化的转换亦然天翻地覆,而且你们那帮球员也很愿意。 我于今还难忘,旧年欧文加盟篮网之后,我室友就说了一句话:“安息吧,篮网。” [–]Celtics Brad-Stevens 103 指標 6小時前 If I'm Lue I'd rather chill with Doc in LA 凯尔特东说念主球迷:我如若泰伦-卢,甘心在洛杉矶好生待着。 [–]Mavericks PippyLongPooping 21 指標 6小時前* Than have a chance to win as head coach in the easier east, coaching one of the best duos in history? 独行侠球迷:难说念在洛杉矶当助教,比在更容易的东部指导历史顶级二东说念主组争冠还要滋养? [–]kbthroaway723 16 指標 6小時前 Meh current Kyrie and KD would just be a poor man’s version of what Lue is used to coaching 呃,比起泰伦-卢在骑士时期的詹姆斯和欧文,目下的欧文和阿杜只可算是穷东说念主版双巨头吧。 [–]Knicks HokageEzio 13 指標 6小時前 Kyrie isn't worth it tbh. He already has his ring. 尼克斯球迷:讲真,欧文不值得卢去。何况卢也曾有适度了。 [–]NBA urfaselol[S] 52 指標 6小時前 He nearly had a mental breakdown in Cleveland. I bet he’s enjoying this mental break with the clippers. Not sure if he wants to go into the pressure cooker situation with Kyrie in Brooklyn next year when you’re expected to win 卢之前在克利夫兰的时候差点精神崩溃。我以为他如今在快船应该是身心欢喜的。你要让他下赛季去接布鲁克林那口争冠高压锅和欧文同事,还真不一定。 ———————— [–][HOU] James Harden Watson4Harden13 84 指標 6小時前 I feel terrible for Atkinson 火箭球迷:为阿特金森感到痛心啊 [–][MIL] Bill Zopf FKJVMMP 90 指標 6小時前 I don’t, he managed to get away from Kyrie after less than a season. Feel bad for the Cavs guys who dealt with his shit for years. 雄鹿球迷:我就不会这样想,他才用了不到一个赛季的时候就奏效地解脱了欧文。照旧有趣下当初隐忍了欧文那么多年的骑士那帮东说念主吧 [–]Rockets LeBronBlackedAyesha 48 指標 6小時前 How the hell did Cleveland manage to keep his weirdness under wraps for so long? 火箭球迷:当初骑士竟然能把欧文这种诡异个性瞒这样多年,这特么怎样办到的啊? [–]gentyent 49 指標 6小時前 Lebron just ended up taking the heat for the problems that Kyrie had. Remember all the old comments saying “this is why Kyrie left”? Yeah, well, as it turns out, Kyrie is just perpetually dissatisfied with what he has. 临了皆是詹姆斯替欧文的困难背锅呗。还记允洽年劈头盖脸的评答复“看吧,知说念欧文为啥要走了吧”? 行吧,目下内情毕露了,欧文遥远欲求动怒。 [–][MIL] Bill Zopf FKJVMMP 77 指標 6小時前 LeBron is actual magic. 雄鹿球迷:詹姆斯才是确实的魔术师。 [–]Nets NicoolaJokic 277 指標 6小時前 holy shit i literally hate this guy 篮网球迷:我尼玛,确凿敌对欧文这东说念主 [–][BOS] Jayson Tatum Droppin_DimesSP 114 指標 5小時前 Lmfaoooo 凯尔特东说念主球迷:笑死老子了。 [–]Heat blackpenance 5 指標 4小時前 The more he talks the more fans hate him. What a weirdo lmao 热火球迷:他说得越多,球迷越烦他。确凿个怪胎,哈哈哈 [–]Grizzlies Notsdlog 770 指標 5小時前 Kyrie should just be coach 灰熊球迷:欧文干脆我方当主教训吧 [–]NBA urfaselol[S] 481 指標 5小時前 What does the word "triangle" mean to you 你以为“三角”这个词该怎样理解? [–]disconnectedmadafaka 12 指標 5小時前 Bruh hahahaha 老哥太狠了,哈哈哈哈 [–]Rockets pullnupfrom40 7 指標 4小時前 Bermuda Triangle Offense 火箭球迷:百慕大三角紧要 [–]Knicks urasha 98 指標 5小時前 Idk, we should ask Phil Jackson 尼克斯球迷:“不知说念啊,我们应该去问菲尔-杰克逊” [–]Thunder Hailstorm16 86 指標 5小時前 "For the first move, let's sign Lamar Odom" 雷霆球迷:“第一步,我们把奥多姆签过来” [–]Spurs S0MATHAN 21 指標 5小時前 Wouldn't be fair for the league he would outcoach, outsmart and outbrain everyone 马刺球迷:如若欧文当主教训那就太不刚正了== 因为他抓教最棒、最智谋、脑子最好使 [–][LAL] Kobe Bryant frodounchained 6 指標 5小時前 Kyrie and Boylen are made for each other 湖东说念主球迷:欧文和博伊伦确凿拔毛济世 [–]Primopastalover 211 指標 6小時前 Next he’ll say trade Levert and Spencer for Kevin Love. 我以为接下来,欧文就会建议用勒韦尔和丁威迪换乐福 [–]wearepimpsnohoes 52 指標 5小時前 And Tristan Thompson is a free agent this summer. 特里斯坦-汤普森本年夏天等于解脱东说念主咯! [–]gentyent 118 指標 5小時前 Fuck it trade KD for Lebron too and sign Iman Shumpert MMP,还得用杜兰特换来詹姆斯,再把香波特签回 [–]Nets NotKD99 34 指標 5小時前 damn I miss shump, he was actually good in the 10 days he played here 篮网球迷:擦,我还挺想香波特的,他在我网打球的那十天其实打得可以的 [–][LAC] Montrezl Harrell BearCanoe 550 指標 6小時前 Don't forget that this man is the Vice President of the Player's Association 快船球迷:不要忘了,欧文但是球职工会的副主席 [–]NBA SpottedMarmoset 306 指標 5小時前 I have no idea why anyone would put him in a leadership role. 我确凿想欠亨,竟然有东说念主以为欧文可以胜任训诫变装 [–]Lakers pl1589 5 指標 2小時前 no one else wanted it i guess 湖东说念主球迷:我猜是因为没东说念主想当阿谁副主席 [–]Celtics RajinIII 65 指標 5小時前 He's like one of several VP's. It doesn't really mean much 凯尔特东说念主球迷:副主席有好多个啊,其实没啥用。 [–]Warriors HappyCrabDay 16 指標 4小時前* The Players Association is not a goodwill ambassador group. They are a union that tries to get the owners to pay the athletes as much as possible. If anything, this shows voting Kyrie was a good move because he was able to get the management to do what the players wanted. 英豪球迷:这球职工会可不是啥卖笑的亲善组织。他们是要想成见让雇主们尽量多给球员掏钱的。这就意味着选欧文当副主席其实是个妙招,因为欧文有才略让处理层按照球员的想法行事== ———————— [–]Bucks LiveFreeFratHard 96 指標 6小時前 Kyrie is the best player that no fan ever wants on their team. 雄鹿球迷:欧文等于被球迷大皆嫌弃的最强球员。 [–]Heat _Culture 48 指標 5小時前 Yup, can't think of anyone else that has destroyed 3 straight teams 热火球迷:对啊,真想不出还有谁能理解破坏三支球队 [–]Grizzlies TheStuffisLegal 418 指標 6小時前 Kyrie is such a locker room cancer. This brooklyn experiment will fall flat 灰熊球迷:欧文确凿个更衣室大毒瘤。布鲁克林这场历练会以失败告终的。 [–]Sweatyt ubesock 11 指標 5小時前 He will destroy any team, and he’s not good enough to take a team anywhere. 他会破坏任何球队的,以他的能耐,真没法让我方的球队走多远。 [–]Nets youngthugisyourmom 226 指標 6小時前 We had the perfect looker room before they all came. Idk how to feel anymore. I guess we’ll see next year 篮网球迷:他俩来之前,我们的更衣室原来是一片蔼然。我目下不知说念该怎样想了,下赛季翘首企足吧 [–]Lakers LPLSuperCarry 12 指標 6小時前 Y'all weren't going anywhere with DLo on a max. At least now you have a chance to contend for a title, which wasn't happening if you kept your roster from last year. 湖东说念主球迷:如若你们拿着拉塞尔的大公约不放的话,那你们原来就干不了大行状。至少你们目下有契机争冠了啊,如果照旧上赛季那套声威,那就别想了。 [–]popcorninmapubes 110 指標 5小時前* Take it from a Laker fan a lot can change in one year. 听湖蜜说过,一个赛季的时候可以对球队酿成很大转换 [–]Lakers StoneColdAM 28 指標 4小時前 The thing is the Lakers sucked before LeBron joined, and weren’t that much better after until they changed basically the whole roster. While KD wasn’t available this season, he’ll be back next one and the Nets’ roster should be basically set. It’s a shame since it was a good sign for Brooklyn to attract two major stars, but now I fear it will fail if things get messy like this. 湖东说念主球迷:问题是我湖在老詹来之前很烂啊,他来之后也变化不大,直到我们对声威进行大换血才大翻身。阿杜固然这赛季不可打,可他以后会复出的,而且篮网这套声威基本是可以的。可惜啊,篮网旧年劝诱来两个球星原来是好兆头的,可目下我操心,如若景况失控的话,篮网临了照旧为山止篑。 [–]Lakers rionbull 8 指標 4小時前 You could also say we sucked until we got a 2nd star. Brooklyn has a 2nd star. And if brooklyn wins alot next year they likely wont have lockerroom issues 湖东说念主球迷:你也可以这样说,我湖在引进二方丈之前,亦然很菜。可布鲁克林也曾有二方丈了啊。如果篮网下赛季收获很好的话,那他们很可能不会有更衣室矛盾。 [–]Earth Warping 22 指標 5小時前 It wasn’t really about Kyrie. It was getting a when healthy, top 5 player in the world 要津真不在于欧文。而是要让健康的阿杜复原到宇宙前五的实力。 [–]Raptors sop1232 36 指標 5小時前 It's all dependent on KD. If he's even 80% of what he was pre injury they will be contenders regardless. 猛龙球迷:就看杜兰特的了。如果他能复原到伤前80%的实力,那篮网不论怎样皆是争冠球队。 [–]Grizzlies TheStuffisLegal 25 指標 5小時前 You just said it yourself. It’s KD’s team. Will Kyrie accept that? There’s no way to know. Sure they signed together but does that really matter with Kyrie? There’s no way to know with him 灰熊球迷:你我方也说了,这是阿杜的队伍。欧文会接纳吗?还真不知说念。他俩的确是全部加盟篮网的,可欧文真的在乎这个吗?还真不好说。 [–]Raptors sop1232 18 指標 5小時前 He has to accept that. A healthy KD is top 3, maybe even 1. Kyrie has never been anywhere close to that. 猛龙球迷:他必须得接纳。健康的阿杜是前三,以致是定约第一。欧文离这个级别一直皆差得老远。 [–]Knicks m1a2c2kali 16 指標 5小時前 Yea I’m not sure Kyrie understands that, about himself, not about kd 尼克斯球迷:话虽如斯,可欧文未必能理解,他还真不一定了了我方的实力和阿杜的实力。 [–]Lakers NotClayMerritt 7 指標 3小時前 The two guys running the Brooklyn experience are best friends. The coach is gone, the teammates they deem not good enough will be traded this summer for pieces to aid their Championship run. Then when the Nets continue to struggle because Kyrie still can't play 60 games without breaking down and KD isn't the same after a major achilles injury at age 31, the Nets will be staring at a long, arduous rebuild once this "experiment" ends. 湖东说念主球迷:他俩来篮网的时候等于最好的一又友。目下主教训走了,那些他们以为实力不够的队友也会在夏天被来回走,换回可以补助争冠的拼图。然后篮网照旧要死不活,因为欧文依然没法好好打满60场比赛,况兼31岁的杜兰特阅历重伤后实力也不比从前。一朝这个“历练”死字,篮网将阅历一个漫长又阻遏的重建期。 [–]The PatriotWay 5 指標 5小時前 Honest question for all readers. Was Kyrie a cancer before he went to Boston? If not, what the hell happened with him? Also god bless Kemba in Boston, such a relief. 庄重问问大伙儿,欧文去凯尔特东说念主之前等于个毒瘤了吗?如果不是的话,那特么是咋了? 沃克去了波士顿确凿老天保佑,轻装上阵 [–]Celtics atomictyler 14 指標 4小時前 Yes. Boston fans were warned by Cavs fans. People in here thinking it'll all just work out next year with Kyrie and Durant haven't paid attention to Kyrie at all. 凯尔特东说念主球迷:是啊。我们凯蜜以前还被骑士球迷指示过。目下竟然还有东说念主以为,欧文和杜兰特下赛季能打出花,这些东说念主细目没怎样寄望过欧文这东说念主。 [–]Timberwolves kwilly15bb 8 指標 5小時前 He was never in a decent locker room until LeBron went back to Cleveland. He never won there before LeBron too but people blamed ownership, coaching and the talent around him which was fair at that time. I'm not sure what his deal is anymore but I'm glad he's out of Boston. 丛林狼球迷:詹姆斯回到克利夫兰之前,欧文根蒂就不是个靠谱的更衣室魁首。詹姆斯去之前,他也没任何配置,但是公共皆怪处理层、教训和他的队友。我不知说念他目下到底要干啥,但是他离开波士顿我是很昌盛的。 ———————— 起头:Reddit 编译:云长刮个痧快播伦理电影在线 键盘侠—歪果仁精彩辩驳汇总 |